who we are
ian carter
p: 916.514.5800
f: 916.674.1415
e: ian@carterwestlaw.com
a: 3721 Douglas Blvd., Suite 350, Roseville, CA 95661
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Ian is passionate about ideas and innovation, building companies and doing deals. He operates primarily out of our Roseville office serving the needs of clients in not only the foothills corridor, but throughout the West.
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ashley west
p: 916.930.0921
f: 916.258.0058
e: ashley@carterwestlaw.com
a: 2600 Capitol Ave., Suite 320, Sacramento CA 95816
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Ashley West is a corporate and real estate lawyer deeply committed to her clients’ success. She operates primarily out of our Sacramento office, serving clients both local and global.
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what they say:
“We used Ian to help us sell a major division of O1 Communications to a private equity-backed buyer represented by Gibson Dunn out of LA. Ian's ability to see the big picture, not get bogged down in minutia, and deal with sometimes contentious parties calmly and rationally, plus his ability to seamlessly integrate different specialty groups, like tax and benefits folks, was integral to O1's success in the transaction. We were thrilled with the result.”
Jim Beausoleil
CFO of O1 Communications